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“Health is Wealth”

Never has this been truer than now! In todays Pandemic stricken world, we have seen first-hand evidence of how important it is to look after both body & mind. As we look around though, the health & wellness space in India especially, is facing a problem of plenty!

There are many apps, trainers, advisors, gyms- all espousing their own mantra, their own way of helping you get fitter. Whilst that is great, the challenge for any fitness enthusiast is firstly, choosing the right partner, & secondly, finding a solution that is easy on the pocket.


For us, the solution was an obvious one!

Create a holistic, integrated, all in one solution so that instead of using multiple apps (for running, for training,

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for calorie counting, mindfulness, etc) one could simply use BunkerFit and find all solutions in one place! This would not only reduce the cost of subscription, from many to one, but would also allow the user to see the connect for example between calorie intake and

calorie burn!

The second solution that BunkerFit offers, unlike any other app, is the ability to choose preferred language at the click of a button. With English, Hindi, Tamil & Telugu as languages available on BunkerFit at this moment, we shall be expanding this suite to 14+ languages in the coming months.

So this is essentially what we did with BunkerFit!

For the founding duo, Adnan & Zeba, BunkerFit is a passion project. Fitness enthusiasts themselves, they wanted to create something that they could use, so they became the guinea pigs, BunkerFit was tested on!!

Over the last few months, the team grew, and some partner investors came on board to support the idea. Airtel was one of them! Woah!!! That put the wind under our sails and helped us reach out to the world at large.

Our mission is now to make a 100mn users active by 2030. With this one goal I mind, we are on a road to launching exciting content, innovative features, and a whole host of interactive solutions that allow each user experience to be personalised. 


So come experience BunkerFit, and begin or continue your fitness journey with us.

Download the app now

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